Convenience Fees
Certain merchants may want to create a convenience fee or handling charge that is added to the transaction total. We have example code for both flat fees and percentage fees.
Adding a Flat Convenience Fee
This code is for adding a flat fee to each transaction that occurs on your payment form. The below example assumes you are using the default payment form without any changes.
Locate the string <script type="text/javascript">
, insert a new line below and add the following code:
var servicefee = 5 ;
function addCharge()
var baseamount = document.epayform.baseamount.value ;
var total = (baseamount*1) + servicefee ;
document.epayform.UMamount.value = total ;
document.getElementById('totalamount').innerHTML = total ;
will be the amount that you are adding on to the transaction. Locate the below command in the list of hidden values, and delete it:
<input type="hidden" name="UMamount" value="[UMamount]">
Find the following code in your form:
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="234" align="right"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Order Amount:</font></td>
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="450">[UMamount]
Replace it with the following:
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="234" align="right"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Payment Amount:</font></td>
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="450"><input type="text" name="baseamount" size=10 onChange="addCharge()">
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="234" align="right"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Service Fee ($5):</font></td>
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="234"> 5.00
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="234" align="right"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Total Charge:</font></td>
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="450"><input type="hidden" name="UMamount" value="[UMamount]"><div id="totalamount"></div>
Save the changes to your form. Once the form is saved, the customer will be able to type in the amount they are paying and automatically have a convenience fee added to the transaction total. The customer will not be able to edit the amount of the fee or the grand total of the transaction.
Adding a Convenience Fee as a Percentage
In the header of the document, add the following code:
function doTotal()
var form = document.epayform;
var amount = form.UMcustom1.value = form.UMcustom1.value.replace(/[^0-9\.]/, "");
var fee = Math.round(amount * .02*100)/100; // Don't forget to change the percentage here
var total = Math.round(((amount*1)+fee) *100)/100;
document.getElementByName('UMcustom2').innerHTML = fee;
document.getElementByName('UMamount').innerHTML = total;
will be the amount that you are adding on to the transaction. Locate the below command in the list of hidden values, and delete it:
<input type="hidden" name="UMamount" value="[UMamount]">
Find the following code in your form:
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="234" align="right"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Order Amount:</font></td>
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="450">[UMamount]
Replace it with the following:
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="234" align="right"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Payment Amount:</font></td>
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="450"><input type="text" name="UMcustom1" value="[UMcustom1]" size=10 onChange="doTotal()"></td>
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="234" align="right"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Service Fee (2%):</font></td> // Change the percentage here as well!
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="450"><input type=text name="UMcustom2" value="[UMcustom2]" readonly="readonly" onChange="doTotal()"></td>
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="234" align="right"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Total Charge:</font></td>
<td bgcolor="#F0F0F0" width="450"><input type=text name="UMamount" value="[UMamount]" readonly="readonly" onChange="doTotal()"></td>
Adding fees with Format Currency
var servicefee = 3 ;
function addCharge()
var baseamount = document.epayform.baseamount.value ;
var total = (baseamount*1) + servicefee ;
document.epayform.UMamount.value = total ;
document.getElementById('totalamount').innerHTML = CurrencyFormatted(total) ;
function CurrencyFormatted(amount)
var i = parseFloat(amount);
if(isNaN(i)) { i = 0.00; }
var minus = '';
if(i < 0) { minus = '-'; }
i = Math.abs(i);
i = parseInt((i + .005) * 100);
i = i / 100;
s = new String(i);
if(s.indexOf('.') < 0) { s += '.00'; }
if(s.indexOf('.') == (s.length - 2)) { s += '0'; }
s = minus + s;
return s;
// end of function CurrencyFormatted()
Html code is the same as in the first example.