Common Objects


This request object holds all of the information needed to process a credit card transaction. While only some of the parameters are required by default, additional fraud modules may further put restrictions on these parameters. Parameters in bold are required.

Parameter Name Type Description
number number Credit card number or token if missing or incorrect. Error codes 11-14
expiration string Credit card expiration date. All numbers, and needs to be formatted as MMYY. Error codes 15-17
cardholder string Name of the Cardholder
cvc integer Card verification code on back of card. Its format should be ### or ####
avs_street string Street address for address verification
avs_zip integer Postal (Zip) code for address verification
magstripe string Stores the magstripe data from the swiped card


This request object holds all of the information needed to process a check transaction. Parameters in bold are required.

Parameter Name Type Description
accountholder string Account holder name
routing integer Bank Routing Number
account integer Bank Account Number
account_type string Checking or Savings
dl_num integer Drivers license number/id
dl_state string Drivers license state (two letter abbrev). See full list here.
number integer Check number
format string SEC Record type. See list of types here.
flags string Comma delimited list of special check process flags. Not need for most scenarios. Available flags: prenote, sameday


This request object holds the information associated with a terminal device (if applicable).

Parameter Name Type Description
type string Type of payment terminal
entrymode string How payment was presented (i.e. swipe, contactless, manually key, etc.)
contactless bool Contactless payment flag (Y/N)
lane_id string A numeric field that identifies a merchant's terminal. The MasterCard lane identifier.


This request object holds optional granular details for the transaction amount. This allows a merchant to track the breakdown of the total amount. For example, a merchant can enter the exact tip amounts being collected from a customer.

Parameter Name Type Description
subtotal double This field is optional, but if it is sent, it must be consistent with the following equation: amount = subtotal - discount + shipping + duty + tax.
tax double The amount of tax collected.
nontaxable char(Y/N) Transaction is non taxable (Y/N)
tip double Amount of tip collected.
discount double Amount of discount applied to total transaction.
shipping double Amount of shipping fees collected.
duty double Amount of duty collected.
enable_partialauth bool Enable partial amount authorization. If the available card balance is less than the amount request, the balance will be authorized and the POS must prompt the customer for another payment to cover the remainder. The result_code will be "P" and auth_amount will contain the partial amount that was approved.
show_tip_line bool Set to true, to add line to add a tip to printed receipts.


This request object holds all information associated with billing. By default, this object is optional, but becomes required when certain Fraud Modules are enabled.

Parameter Name Type Description
company string Company or Organization Name
firstname string First name associated with billing address
lastname string Last name
street string Primary street number/address information. (i.e. 1234 Main Street)
street2 string Additional address information such as apartment number, building number, suite information, etc.
city string Billing City
state string Two-letter State abbreviation or full state name.
postalcode integer Zip code
country string Three-letter country code. See full list here
phone string The phone number associated with a billing address. The preferred format is to eliminate all non-numeric characters, but any standard formatting is accepted.
fax string The fax number associated with a billing address. The preferred format is to eliminate all non-numeric characters, but any standard formatting is accepted.


This request object holds all information associated with shipping. By default, this object is optional, but becomes required when certain Fraud Modules are enabled.

Parameter Name Type Description
company string Company or Organization Name
firstname string First name
lastname string Last name
street string Primary street number/address information. (i.e. 1234 Main Street)
street2 string Additional address information such as apartment number, building number, suite information, etc...
city string Shipping City
state string Two-letter State abbreviation or full state name.
postalcode integer Zip code
country string Three-letter country code. See full list here
phone string The phone number associated with a shipping address. The preferred format is to eliminate all non-numeric characters, but any standard formatting is accepted.


This response object holds information associated with the verification status of the Address Verification System (AVS). The AVS system checks the billing address supplied with the address on file at the credit card company.

Parameter Name Type Description
result_code string Address verification result code. (See codes here.)
result string Long version of above


This response object holds information associated with the verification status of the Card Verification Code (CVC). The cvc system checks to see if the supplied cvc code matches the code on file at the credit card company.

Parameter Name Type Description
result_code char CVC result code (See codes here.)
result string Long version of above


This response object holds information associated with the batch that the transaction belongs to.

Parameter Name Type Description
type string Denotes this object is a batch.
key string This is the id of the batch.
sequence string The batch sequence number. The first batch the merchant closes is 1, the second is 2, etc.


This object holds card flags that represents transaction characteristics.

Parameter Name Type Description
is_debt bool Set to true if this transaction is to pay an existing debt. Click here for more information.
is_bill_pay bool Set to true if this transaction is a bill pay transaction.
is_recurring bool Set to true if this transaction is a recurring transaction.
is_healthcare bool Set to true if this transaction is a healthcare transaction.
is_cash_advance bool Set to true if this transaction contains a cash advance.


This response object holds custom fields created the merchant has created.

Parameter Name Type Description
1 string Optional fields for storing custom data. Character Limit: 255
2 string Optional fields for storing custom data. Character Limit: 255
3 string Optional fields for storing custom data. Character Limit: 255
19 string Optional fields for storing custom data. Character Limit: 255
20 string Optional fields for storing custom data. Character Limit: 255


This response object holds line items associated with a transaction or an invoice.

Parameter Name Required Type Description
lineid integer Gateway generated unique line identifier. Will only be included in responses.
product_refnum integer Gateway generated unique product identifier. Will only be included if the line item is a product from the database.
product_key string Gateway generated unique product identifier. Will only be included if the line item is a product from the database.
sku string This is the product’s Stock Keeping Unit number.
name Required string Product name.
description Required string Line item description.
cost Required double Cost of line item.
qty Required number Quantity of products.
taxable boolean Denotes if invoice total is taxable. Possible Values: Y or N. Defaults to N.
tax_rate number Tax percentage that should be applied to line item amount.
discount_rate number Discount percentage that should be applied to line item amount.
discount_amount double Discount amount that should be applied to line item amount.
locationid number In response only. Location of warehouse identifier for warehouse selected in settings
commodity_code string Commodity code for line item.
manufacturer string Manufacturer of line item.
category string Category of line item. Will only be included if the line item is a product from the database.
size string Line item size.
color string Line item color.

transactions (invoice response)

Parameter Name Type Description
trans_refnum number
trans_key string
response string
amount double
authcode string
created datetime
type string
status string
ccnum4 number Last 4 digits of credit card number used to pay transaction
cardtype number
cardtype_name number
checknum number

Change Log

Date Change
2018-04-09 Corrected parameter names firstname (previously documented as first_name), lastname (previously documented as last_name), and postalcode (previously documented as zip) in the billing_address and shipping address objects.
2018-03-15 Added company to billing_address and shipping_address.
2017-09-22 Added check flags prenote and sameday to check object.
2017-12-08 Added page. Includes sections: creditcard, check, terminal_detail, amount_detail, billing_address, shipping_address, avs, cvc, and batch.
2017-12-08 Added customdata, lineitems, and transactions (invoice response) objects.

Click here for the full REST API change log.