
This endpoint provides an interface for working with active merchant gateway accounts.

The API endpoint is as follows:

Create a New Merchant

POST /api/v2/reseller/merchants

This endpoint adds a new merchant account to the system. If successful, the merchant key will be returned. This feature is only available to certified partners. Please contact channel sales for assistance.


curl -X POST https://sandbox.usaepay.com/api/v2/reseller/merchants \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Basic X1Y4N1F0YjUxM0NkM3ZhYk03UkMwVGJ0SldlU284cDc6czIvYWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcC9iNzRjMmZhOTFmYjBhMDk3NTVlMzc3ZWU4ZTIwYWE4NmQyYjkyYzNkMmYyNzcyODBkYjU5NWY2MzZiYjE5MGU2" \
    -d '{
    "merchant_name": "Acme Bagel Co",
    "reseller_email": "acme@example.com",
    "contact_info": {
        "contact": "James Dean",
        "street": "1234 Main",
        "street2": "Suite 1010",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "postal_code": "12312",
        "country": "US",
        "email": "merchant@example.com",
        "phone": "222-333-4444",
        "alt_email": "alt@example.com",
        "mobile": "333-222-1212",
        "fax": "232-343-3333"
    "billing": {
        "bank_name": "Wells Fargo",
        "routing": "123456789",
        "account": "123123123",
        "gateway_package": "Silver Package"
    "creditcard": {
        "platform": "FDMS",
        "industry": "eCommerce",
        "merchant_id": "123214234",
        "terminal_id": "234523452345",
        "merchant_num": "23423412352345"

This cURL request is an example of creating a merchant with credit card processing.


    "type": "merchant",
    "key": "aqb1g0x85bdkdzw",
    "reseller_email": "acme@example.com",
        "merchant_name": "Acme Bagel Co",
    "activated": "2016-05-24 00:00:00",
    "contact_info": {
        "contact": "James Dean",
        "street": "1234 Main",
        "street2": "Suite 1010",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "postal_code": "12312",
        "country": "US",
        "email": "merchant@example.com",
        "phone": "222-333-4444",
        "alt_email": "alt@example.com",
        "mobile": "333-222-1212",
        "fax": "232-343-3333"
    "billing": {
        "bank_name": "Wells Fargo",
        "routing": "123456789",
        "account": "123123123",
        "gateway_package": "Silver Package"
    "creditcard": {
        "platform": "FDMS",
        "industry": "eCommerce",
        "merchant_id": "123214234",
        "terminal_id": "234523452345",
        "merchant_num": "23423412352345"

This is the sample response object sent back from the server.

Request Parameters

This is a complete overview of the request parameters that are sent.

Parameter Type Description
reseller_email string Email address for reseller.
merchant_name string Company name of merchant, used to identify merchant
contact_info ContactInfo Address and contact information for merchant
billing BillingInfo Billing information and gateway package
user UserInfo Login settings
apikey ApiKey Provision an api key during boarding staff before support will be given. If no call in password is set, support staff will verify merchant account info to clear the merchant
batch Batch Batch closure settings
settings Settings Miscellaneous merchant settings
creditcard CreditCardProcessing Credit card processing configuration.
ach ACHProcessing Electronic check processing configuration.
notes string Notes or instructions for gateway staff activating merchant account, ie “Hold application until 3/4/10”

Retrieve Merchant

POST /api/v2/reseller/merchants

This endpoint adds a new merchant account to the system. If successful, the merchant key will be returned. This feature is only available to certified partners. Please contact channel sales for assistance.


curl https://sandbox.usaepay.com/api/v2/reseller/merchants/aqb1g0x85bdkdzw \
    -H "Authorization: Basic X1Y4N1F0YjUxM0NkM3ZhYk03UkMwVGJ0SldlU284cDc6czIvYWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcC9iNzRjMmZhOTFmYjBhMDk3NTVlMzc3ZWU4ZTIwYWE4NmQyYjkyYzNkMmYyNzcyODBkYjU5NWY2MzZiYjE5MGU2"

This cURL request is an example of retrieving a merchant with credit card processing.


    "type": "merchant",
    "key": "aqb1g0x85bdkdzw",
    "reseller_email": "acme@example.com",
        "merchant_name": "Acme Bagel Co",
    "activated": "2016-05-24 00:00:00",
    "contact_info": {
        "contact": "James Dean",
        "street": "1234 Main",
        "street2": "Suite 1010",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "postal_code": "12312",
        "country": "US",
        "email": "merchant@example.com",
        "phone": "222-333-4444",
        "alt_email": "alt@example.com",
        "mobile": "333-222-1212",
        "fax": "232-343-3333"
    "billing": {
        "bank_name": "Wells Fargo",
        "routing": "123456789",
        "account": "123123123",
        "gateway_package": "Silver Package"
    "creditcard": {
        "platform": "FDMS",
        "industry": "eCommerce",
        "merchant_id": "123214234",
        "terminal_id": "234523452345",
        "merchant_num": "23423412352345"

Search Merchants

GET /api/v2/reseller/merchants

Retrieve list of merchant applications. You can also filter on most of the merchant_application fields by prefixing with filter_. Quick fuzzy searching can be done using the filter parameter. Omitting filters will return all merchants.


curl "https://sandbox.usaepay.com/api/v2/reseller/merchants?filter_merchant_name=Acme+Bagel+Co&limit=1" \
    -H "Authorization: Basic X1Y4N1F0YjUxM0NkM3ZhYk03UkMwVGJ0SldlU284cDc6czIvYWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcC9iNzRjMmZhOTFmYjBhMDk3NTVlMzc3ZWU4ZTIwYWE4NmQyYjkyYzNkMmYyNzcyODBkYjU5NWY2MzZiYjE5MGU2"


    "type": "list",
    "limit": 1,
    "offset": 0,
    "data": [
            "type": "merchant",
            "key": "kqz1nz2flyqrp0x",
            "reseller_email": "acme@example.com",
            "merchant_name": "Acme Bagel Co",
            "activated": "2018-01-18 00:00:00",
            "contact_info": {
                "contact": "James Dean",
                "street": "1234 Main",
                "street2": "Suite 1010",
                "state": "NY",
                "city": "New York",
                "postal_code": "12312",
                "country": "US",
                "email": "merchant@example.com",
                "phone": "222-333-4444",
                "alt_email": "alt@example.com",
                "mobile": "333-222-1212",
                "fax": "232-343-3333"
            "settings": {
                "call_in_password": ""
            "billing": {
                "bank_name": "Wells Fargo",
                "routing": "xxxxx6789",
                "account": "xxxxx3123",
                "gateway_package": null
            "creditcard": {
                "platform": "FDMS"
    "total": 16

Get Merchant Summary

GET /api/v2/reller/merchants/:merch_key:/summary

Retrieve summary data on merchant processing for merchant identified by :merch_key:


curl https://sandbox.usaepay.com/api/v2/reseller/merchants/aqb1g0x85bdkdzw \
    -H "Authorization: Basic X1Y4N1F0YjUxM0NkM3ZhYk03UkMwVGJ0SldlU284cDc6czIvYWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcC9iNzRjMmZhOTFmYjBhMDk3NTVlMzc3ZWU4ZTIwYWE4NmQyYjkyYzNkMmYyNzcyODBkYjU5NWY2MzZiYjE5MGU2"

This cURL request is an example of retrieving summary data


    "type": "merchant_summary",
    "key": "aqb1g0x85bdkdzw",
    "merchant_name": "Acme Bagel Co",
    "creditcard": {
        "sales_amount": 1000.23,
        "sales_count": 12,
        "credits_amount": 0,
        "credits_count": 0,
        "declines_amount": 0,
        "declines_count": 0,
        "voids_amount": 0,
        "voids_count": 0
    "ach": {
        "refunds_amount": 0,
        "refunds_count": 0,
        "sales_amount": 0,
        "sales_count": 0,
        "depost_count": 0,
        "returned_refunds_amount": 0,
        "returned_refunds_count": 0,
        "returned_sales_amount": 0,
        "returned_sales_count": 0,
        "chargebacks_amount": 0,
        "chargebacks_count": 0,
        "settled_refund_amount": 0,
        "settled_refunds_acount": 0,
        "settled_sales_amount": 0,
        "settled_sales_count": 0,
        "large_refunds_amount": 0,
        "large_refunds_count": 0,
        "large_sales_amount": 0,
        "large_sales_count": 0

This is the sample response object sent back from the server.

Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
start_date string Start date for summary period in YYYY-MM-DD format. By default, period will start one month in the past.
end_date string End date for summary period in YYYY-MM-DD format. By default, period will end today.

Response data

Parameter Name Type Description
merchant_name string Name of the merchant whose activity you are searching.
creditcard Credit Card Activity Summary of credit card processing
ach ACH (Check) Activity Summary of ach processing

Credit Card Activity

Parameter Name Type Description
sales_count integer Total number of sales processed by the merchant.
sales_amount double Total dollar amount of sales processed.
credits_count integer Total number of credits processed by the merchant.
credits_amount double Total dollar amount of credits processed.
voids_count integer Total number of voids processed by the merchant.
voids_amount double Total dollar amount of voids processed.
declines_count integer Total number of declines processed by the merchant.
declines_amount double Total dollar amount of declines processed

ACH (Check) Activity

Parameter Name Type Description
sales_count integer Total number of check sales processed (by date entered)
sales_amount double Total dollar amount of check sales processed (by date entered)
refunds_count integer Total number of check refunds processed (by date entered)
refunds_amount double Total dollar amount of check refunds processed (by date entered)
returned_sale_count integer Total number of check sales returned (by date returned)
returned_sale_amount double Total dollar amount of check sales returned (by date returned)
returned_refund_count integer Total number of check refunds returned (by date returned)
returned_refund_amount double Total dollar amount of check refunds returned (by date returned)
chargebacks_count integer Total number of check sales returned as chargebacks (by date returned)
chargebacks_amount double Total dollar amount of check sales returned as chargebacks (by date returned)
settled_sale_count integer Total number of check sales settled (by date settled)
settled_sale_amount double Total dollar amount of check sales settled (by date settled)
settled_refund_count integer Total number of check refunds settled (by date settled)
settled_refund_amount double Total dollar amount of check refunds settled (by date settled)
large_sales_count integer Total number of large check sales processed (by date entered). large checks are any ach transaction that exceeds a merchants defined threshold (typically $5,000)
large_sales_amount double Total dollar amount of large check sales processed (by date entered)
large_refunds_count integer Total number of large check refunds processed (by date entered)
large_refunds_amount double Total dollar amount of large check refunds processed (by date entered)
deposit_count integer Total number of ach batches deposited to merchant (not support for all ach platforms)

Change Log

Date Change
2018-01-18 Added page.

Click here for the full REST API change log.