
Used to run a new transaction.


This object contains the data needed to run a new transaction, including sale, credit, void and authonly.


Type Name Description
string Command Processing Command. Possible values are: sale, credit, void, creditvoid, authonly, capture, postauth, check and checkcredit. Default is sale.
boolean IgnoreDuplicate Do not check for duplicate transaction. Set to "true" if you would like to override the duplicate transaction handling.
string AuthCode Original Authorization Code. Authorization Code obtained "offline" (ie telephone authorization). Only required for PostAuth.
string RefNum Original Transaction Reference Number. The RefNum received when a transaction was authorized via either the "sale" or "authonly" commands. Required for void and capture commands. Can also use TransKey here.
string AccountHolder Name of the account holder.
TransactionDetail Details Transaction details: amount, clerk, currency,
CreditCardData CreditCardData CreditCardData. Required for credit card transactions.
CheckData CheckData CheckData. Required for electronic check processing.
string ClientIP IP Address of client.
string CustomerID Customer ID
Address BillingAddress Billing Address
Address ShippingAddress Shipping Address
string Software Software Name/version. Allows application developers to stamp their application name and version number onto each transaction. Used to assist customers with trouble shooting. Not Required.
boolean CustReceipt True/False. True will cause a customer receipt to be sent.
string CustReceiptName Name of the receipt template to use. Defaults to the standard customer receipt.
RecurringBilling RecurringBilling RecurringBilling. Object describing if recurring billing cycle should be created if initial transaction is approved.
LineItem LineItems Array of line item details
LodgingDetails LodgingDetails Object which contains lodging details.
FieldValue CustomFields Array of Custom Fields. Additional transaction api fields (ie UMtimeout) can also be passed in via this array. Any field name starting with UM is assumed to be an api field and not a custom field.
string IfAuthExpired Sets what will happen when a "capture" command is sent on authorization that has expired. By default the expiration will be ignored and the authorization will be captured. If set to "error" the capture will be blocked and an error will be returned. If set to "reauth" the system will send in a new authorization request to the platform before capturing the transaction.
string AuthExpireDays Sets number of days before an authorization expires.
boolean ReleaseFunds Set to true to release funds. Only used for voidTransaction.
boolean IsRecurring Flags a credit card transaction as a recurring payment when sent to the platforms for processing. This is not related to the RecurringBilling object above and it does not tie into the gateway's recurring billing system. Rather, this flag should be used by developers who are initiating the recurring transactions from within their own system and need to indicate that it is recurring.
string Software Free form string that can be used by the developer to record information about their software, version, build number or operating system details. Reported on the transaction detail screen, in custom reports or via api.
boolean SaveCard Set to "True" to tokenize card.

Places Used



    Dim tran As usaepay.TransactionRequestObject = New usaepay.TransactionRequestObject

            tran.CreditCardData = New usaepay.CreditCardData
            tran.CreditCardData.CardNumber = "4444555566667779"
            tran.CreditCardData.CardExpiration = "0913"
            tran.CreditCardData.CardCode = "999"

            tran.Details = New usaepay.TransactionDetail
            tran.Details.Amount = 9.02
            tran.Details.AmountSpecified = True
            tran.Details.Invoice = "434534"
            tran.Details.Description = "Example transaction"

            tran.Command = "sale"


    usaepay.TransactionRequestObject tran = new usaepay.TransactionRequestObject();

    tran.Command = "cc:sale";
    tran.Details =  new usaepay.TransactionDetail();
    tran.Details.Amount = 1.00;
    tran.Details.AmountSpecified = true;
    tran.Details.Invoice = "1234";
    tran.Details.Description = "Example Transaction";

    tran.CreditCardData = new usaepay.CreditCardData();
    tran.CreditCardData.CardNumber = "4444555566667779";
    tran.CreditCardData.CardExpiration = "0909";

Change Log

Version Change
1.7 Added SaveCard type Boolean, LodgingDetails type LodgingDetails, AuthExpireDays type sting, EntryMode type string, ReleaseFunds type boolean, and TransKey type string.