DKIM & SPF Validation for Merchant Emails


The DKIM & SPF Validation feature in the merchant portal can assist merchants with the automated emails the gateway sends on behalf of merchants (e.g. email receipts, and invoices). Properly configured DKIM and SPF records play a crucial role in ensuring the reliable delivery of emails to their recipients. This tool is designed to provide merchants with the confidence that their email domain is correctly configured.

Domain Validation Status

When your merchant adds their email address to their merchant portal, the tool checks with their domain registrar to confirm whether the DKIM and SPF records are properly configured. For example, if your merchant's domain is and their email address is, the tool would check to confirm they have added the proper DKIM/SPF records to their domain.

A merchant's email address can be added by going to Settings → General.

The Email field in Account Information will show one of the following statuses depending on the domain they entered for their email address:

  • DOMAIN VALIDATED - When a domain's DKIM/SPF records are correctly set up, the field displays a green “OK” status, indicating that DKIM/SPF is functioning correctly.
  • UNABLE TO VALIDATE - If the domain’s DKIM/SPF records are not set up correctly (or either record is missing), the field displays a yellow “warning” status.
    • The user will still be able to save their email, they will just be warned about possible delivery issues.
  • INVALID EMAIL ADDRESS - If the email address is invalid, the field displays red and will not allow the email address to be saved.

The warnings are in the Merchant Portal to get the merchant’s attention as shown below:

Merchant Console Merchant Console

Note: Our system updates the status of these records daily and then reflects the status changes in the portal. Merchants may need to wait up to 24-48 hours to see the color status change because domain registrars can take time to update things on their end before we can reflect the changes.

For more information on adding SPF and DKIM records, see Adding SPF & DKIM Records To Help Emails Get To Recipients