

The Invoices section of the Merchant Console displays all invoices (an itemized statement of goods and services) you have created. On this page you can create a new invoice, search through all invoices, and set up your invoice options, and create a new invoice. To access the Invoices section, click on 'Invoices' in the side menu bar.

The first screen displays all invoices made on the console along with the following information for each invoice: Invoice #, Due Date, Customer Name, Company, Customer Email, Amount, Amount Due, Status, and Date Created. You will see explanations of each of these fields below. Please Note: These fields are fixed and cannot be changed.


Invoice #: This is the number assigned to a specific invoice.

Due Date: This shows the date payment is due for the invoice.

Customer Name: This shows the name of the customer being billed for the specific invoice.

Company: Shows the customer’s company name.

Customer Email: Displays the personal email of the customer.

Amount: This shows the amount that will be billed to the customer.

Amount Due: This shows the total amount that is due for payment.

Status: One of five different statuses would be displayed for each invoice under this column:

  • Quote: The invoice is still in draft mode, and has not been sent to the customer yet.
  • Sent: The invoice has been sent to the customer, but the customer has not viewed it yet.
  • Viewed: The invoice has been viewed by the customer.
  • Paid: The customer has paid the invoice.
  • Refunded: The original amount the customer paid on the invoice has been refunded to them.
  • Overpaid: Customer has paid more than was due. See the Void Invoice section of this page for further details.

Created: This column displays the date the invoice was first created.

Tap on the category to arrange the invoices according in either ascending or descending order according to that specific category.

Add Invoice

You can create an invoice to bill a customer by clicking on the +Add Invoice button. Clicking this button will take you to the following page to fill in all necessary fields.

add invoice

The following sections must be completed to create an invoice:

Merchant Information

If you have already filled out the Merchant Profile section of Settings, then the merchant information will automatically populate. If you have not completed your merchant profile, then you will need to enter it in manually.

The Merchant Address and Merchant Email are required and must be entered to create an invoice.

Customer Information

Under the Billing Information section, you can add the customer’s information by manually entering the information into the different fields or by using the search field to find a customer who's information has already been entered into the customer database.

search customer

Search for the customer by typing the customer’s name or ID number into the 'Search customer by name or id' field. All matching results will appear in the drop down menu. Select the customer you are looking for. All saved billing information will automatically appear in the appropriate fields.

To auto-populate the Shipping Information with the same information in the Billing Information section, check the box labeled 'Same as billing'. If the Shipping Information is different, enter it manually.

same as billing info

The following customer information fields are required to create an invoice:

  • First and Last Name OR Company Name
  • Customer Email

Invoice Information

Under the Invoice section, the Invoice # and Invoice Date are required to create the invoice.

Invoice #: This will auto-populate if the Generate Invoice Number setting is enabled in Invoice Options. If the setting is not enabled, manually enter an Invoice #.

PO #: This number refers to the customer’s purchase order number. It is usually only required when processing corporate cards.

Invoice Date: This refers to the date the invoice was created.

Terms: This will auto-populate if you have entered the terms into the Default Terms field in Invoice Options (also see Invoice Options to see descriptions of the term options). If nothing has been entered, you can select one of the term options from the dropdown menu or enter custom terms in manually.

invoice info invoice info

Due Date: Enter the date that the consumer must pay by.

invoice info

Product Information

You must add at least one product before an invoice can be created. The Product Name, Price, and Quantity are the required fields to add a product to the invoice.

There are two ways to add a product to the invoice: add an existing product from the Product Database or create a custom product. To begin adding a product click Product Name and begin typing the name of the product. Products that include the criteria you enter will appear in a drop down menu along with the option to '+Add Custom Item'.

product info

To add an existing product, click the existing product in the drop down menu and it will be added to the invoice. Only the Quantity can be adjusted. All other fields are auto populated from the Products database.

product info

To add a custom item not in the Products database, type the full product name and then click '+Add Custom Item' in the drop down menu and it will be added to the invoice.

product info

After the custom item has been added, enter the price into the price field and leave the box in the Tax column checked if the item should be taxable. If the item should not be taxable, leave it unchecked.

To adjust the Quantity for both existing products and custom items, select the current quantity, delete it, and type in the new quantity. The subtotal for the item will automatically update, as shown below.

product info

For all products, you can click the icon to the left of the item name to expand product info and show additional fields. Additional fields include: SKU, Commodity Code, Tax Rate, Unit of Measure, and Description. Commodity Code and Unit of Measure fields will display in the line items on all of the invoice pages, if the merchant is enabled for Level 3 processing.

product info

For custom items, you can edit these additional fields. For existing products, these fields are auto-populated from the Products database and cannot be changed from the Invoices page. To change this information for existing products, click the package icon (seen below) to the right of the item name. You will be taken to the product profile in the Products page where you can edit the product information (including price and taxable status). This icon will only show for existing products.

product info

To remove the product from the invoice, click the trash icon shown below.

product info

To see the breakdown of Applied pre-tax Discounts and Estimated Tax, hover over the Subtotal for each product.

product info

Notes and Subtotal

The Notes section allows you to leave customized messages for your customers. Notes will appear both on in the invoice email and on the invoice itself. Customers will see the notes you type in this field. Notes are optional.

product info

The Subtotal is a breakdown of the Amount Due for this invoice. All fields in this section auto-populate or are optional. This section includes the following fields:

  • Subtotal: The total amount due BEFORE the Tax, Discounts, and Shipping costs have been applied.
  • Default Tax Rate: Tax Rate by percent. This will auto-populate if the Tax Rate setting is set in the Invoice Options. If there is no rate populated or if you need to adjust the rate for this invoice, simply click the current rate, delete it, and then enter the new rate. This field is optional.
  • Taxes: The amount in dollars the customer will be charged in tax. The system calculates this using the ‘Subtotal’ of taxable items, the Default Tax Rate, any individual tax rates on certain products (if added), and possible shipping tax. The taxes can vary depending if any discounts are applied before or after taxes are added. Nontaxable items will not contribute to this total. (For more information, please see the TAXES section below)
  • Discount: To apply a discount, click the discount amount and enter in the amount you would like to discount the total (in dollars). Discount can be applied before or after the Tax is calculated. This field is optional. (For more information, please see the TAXES section below)
  • Shipping: Shipping costs. To apply a shipping cost, click the shipping amount and enter in the amount the customer will pay for shipping. Shipping costs can be applied before or after tax is calculated. (For more information, please see the TAXES section below)
  • Total: The total amount to charge the customer.
  • Remaining Balance: The total amount the customer had not yet paid. For newly created invoices this will equal the Total field.

Once all fields have been entered, click on the 'Create' button at the bottom of the page to create the invoice.


The Subtotal section allows you to tax the Shipping cost and apply the Discount before or after taxes are calculated. These fields can be changed per invoice or a default setting can be set in the Invoice Options to apply to newly created invoices.

The Discount and Shipping fields can be edited in each invoice by dragging the field above or below the Taxes field in the Subtotal section. By dragging the Discount field above the Taxes field, the Discount will be applied to the subtotal of the products cost before taxes are calculated. Also, dragging the Shipping field above the Taxes field will make the Shipping cost taxable.


Subtotal Breakdown

product info


product info


product info

Different Tax Rates per Product

product info

Example in Action

product info

Send/Edit Invoice

When the invoice has been created, the following options are then added to the invoice at the bottom of the screen:

Preview- Click here to preview how the invoice will look to the customer.

Send- Click here to send the invoice to the email listed in the customer's billing information.

Clone- Click here to create a new invoice with all of the same information as the currently viewed invoice.

Apply- Click here to apply all the changes and keep working on the invoice.

Save- Click here to save any changes made to the invoice and return to the Invoices main page.

Delete- Click here to delete the invoice.

Close- Click here to discard any changes and return to the Invoices main page.



Clicking on the 'Preview' button will allow you to see the invoice as the it appears to the customer before you send it to them.



The Merchant Console allows you to send the invoice in one of two ways: as a quote, or as a finalized invoice.

Send as Quote

When you click on the 'Send' button, the following pop-up will appear:

confirm quote

To send as a quote, leave the check box unchecked and click 'Send Quote'. The customer will receive an email providing the quote:

quote email

Send Finalized Invoice

When you click on the 'Send' button, the following pop-up will appear:

confirm final

To send as a finalized invoice, check the box unchecked and click 'Send Quote'. The customer will receive an email with the invoice information:

final email

The customer has the option to download the invoice as a PDF for their own records by clicking the 'Download as PDF' button, and the ability to pay the amount due by clicking on the 'Pay Invoice' button.

Update Sent Invoice

You can also edit an invoice, even if it has already been sent and viewed by the customer. First, go to the invoice, make the necessary changes, and then click 'Save'. When making edits to an invoice that is currently being viewed, the following message will appear:

force update

Click the 'Yes' button to force the update to the invoice. After forcing the update, the customer will be informed of the change to the invoice by the following pop-up:

change detected

The customer must click 'Refresh' to view the updated invoice.


The Clone option allows you to create a new invoice with all of the same information as the currently viewed invoice, this includes customer information and line items. Before the invoice is saved into the database, you are given a chance to review the information and make any changes that are needed.

If the "Automatically Generate Invoice Number" setting is set to No, then the invoice number field will be left blank and you will be able to add your own invoice number.

When you are done, click on the ‘Create’ button at the bottom of the page to create the new invoice.

An invoice can also be cloned from the Invoices main page by right clicking the invoice and selecting "Clone".

clone with right click

Note: A cloned invoice can be made from both a paid and unpaid invoice. This does not affect the status of the original invoice.

Pay Invoice

Once the invoice is sent, the customer can pay the invoice by clicking the 'Pay Invoice' button while viewing the invoice to pay online via credit card or bank account information. If the invoice was paid offline, you can simply mark the transaction as paid. Please Note: If you would like to allow merchants to pay using bank account information, you will need to enable this in Invoice Options.

Pay Invoice Online

When the customer clicks the 'Pay Invoice' button, the following screen will appear.

credit card payment

Pay be Credit Card

To pay with a credit card, fill out the fields shown.

credit card payment

Once all of the information is entered, the customer should click the 'Submit Payment' button to process the payment. Once it has been processed, a confirmation stating that the payment was successful will pop up and a receipt will be sent via email:

payment successful

Pay by Check

To pay by check, select 'Check' at the top of the module then fill out the fields below.

credit card payment

Once all of the information is entered, the customer should click the 'Submit Payment' button to process the payment. Once it has been processed, a confirmation stating that the payment was successful will pop up and a receipt will be sent via email:

payment successful

Mark as Paid Offline

If you create an invoice and the customer pays you, but doesn't pay through the invoice link sent via email, the system allows you to mark the invoice as paid. You can also leave a note about how the invoice was paid. The status of the invoice must be Quote, Sent, or Viewed to use the mark as paid offline feature. To mark an invoice as paid offline first open the invoice and click the Pay Invoice button, at the top right of the page.

Pay Invoice

A pop-up will appear giving you the choice of three options:

External Credit

Use the External Credit option when the customer pays you by credit card, but not through the link sent via email. The system gives you the option to enter the Card Holder Name and Comments about the transaction, but it is not required. Click Pay Invoice to mark the invoice as paid. Click Close to cancel and leave invoice unpaid.

Pay Invoice

External Check

Use the External Check option when the customer pays you by check. The system gives you the option to enter the Account Holder Name, a Check Number, and Comments about the transaction, but it is not required. Click Pay Invoice to mark the invoice as paid. Click Close to cancel and leave invoice unpaid.

Pay Invoice


Use the Cash option when the customer pays you with cash. The system gives you the option to enter Comments about the transaction, but it is not required. Click Pay Invoice to mark the invoice as paid. Click Close to cancel and leave invoice unpaid.

Pay Invoice

Paid Invoices

Once an invoice has been paid (through the emailed link or marked as paid offline) the invoice will show a 'Paid' stamp when you are looking at the invoice details.

Paid Invoice

If you would like to see the transaction associated with the invoice payment click the payment method at the bottom of the page.

Paid Invoice

When you are looking at the details of a transaction associated with an invoice you will see an icon next to the invoice number. You can click on this invoice number to see the invoice.

Paid Invoice

Within the transaction details, at the bottom of the page, there is a dropdown section labeled Line Items that when clicked, will show the details for each product in the transaction.

Line Item Details

Term Description
SKU This the number assigned by the merchant in the Product Database.
Item This column will include: Name, Commodity Code, Unit of Measure and Description
Cost This will be the cost per item assigned by the merchant in the Product Database.
Quantity The amount of the same item listed in the line item.
Subtotal The total amount of all items listed in the line item.
Taxable This will show if the item is set to be taxable. 'Y' for yes and 'N' for no.
Tax If the item is taxable the value of the tax will appear here.
Discount If the item has a discount applied to it, the value will appear here.

The complete total including tax and tip will appear at the bottom right of this section and should match with the total number at the top of the Transaction Details page.


Use the Search bar on the Invoices main page to search all invoices for a specific category including, Date, Invoice Number, Shipping Address, Merchant Email, and more.


To start your search, type the '@' symbol into the search bar at the top of the invoices main page. A drop down menu will appear with all the different options to search your invoices. Click on the field you want to use to narrow your search.

search category

After selecting the field you would like to use to narrow your search, type in the criteria you would like to use to filter the results. A drop down menu will appear with the results that match the search criteria. Click on the option that best matches your search.

search criteria

You should now see a list of invoices that match the search criteria you entered.

search results

Void Invoice

If the customer has paid the invoice, but the transaction has not yet settled then you have the option to void the transaction. Voiding a transaction cancels a payment before it settles. If you would like to void an Invoice payment, you must go to the Batch Manager section under Batches. Find the transaction and right click on it to see your options. Click on ‘Void’:


A pop up screen will appear to confirm voiding the transaction. Please Note: If you check the box ‘Release funds immediately’, you will NOT be able to reverse the void later. Click on 'Confirm':

confirm void

A confirmation that the transaction was voided will appear.

void successful

When you return to the Invoices home page the status the invoice you voided will now read 'Sent' instead of 'Paid'.

IMPORTANT Please be careful when voiding and resending invoices to be sure your customers are not charged twice. As an example, lets say you sent out an invoice to your customer and they promptly pay it in full. Later that day (before your batch has closed), the customer contacts you because they paid the transaction on the wrong card by mistake.

You found the transaction in the Batch Manager and voided it but you did NOT select ‘Release Funds Immediately’ and you resent the invoice to the customer. The customer paid the invoice on a new card. After you have received payment on the new card, you reversed the original void by mistake in the Batch Manager.

In this case, the customer will have paid for the same invoice twice. When you look at the status in the Invoices home page for this invoice it will say 'Overpaid'. This is to warn you that this invoice was paid twice.

Refund Invoice

If the customer has paid the invoice and the transaction has settled you have the option to refund the customer (you will NOT be able to void the transaction once the batch is closed. To refund this transaction, go to the Batch Manager section under Batches. Find the transaction (it will be in a previous batch) and right click on it to see your options. Click on ‘Quick Refund’:


A pop up screen will appear to confirm the refund. Click 'Refund' to confirm.

quick refund

A confirmation that the transaction was refunded will appear.

refund successful

When you return to the Invoices home page, the status the invoice you voided will now read 'Refunded' instead of 'Paid'.

Invoice Options

The merchant console allows you to customize the following Invoice Options:

ALL Invoice Options are optional. To access your Invoice Options, click on 'Options' in the top right corner of the Invoices page. Clicking on this tab will open the Invoice Options menu as follows:

invoice options

Click on Apply button to apply all changes and continue editing the Invoice Options.

Click on Save button to save all changes and exit the Invoice Options page.

Click on Close button to close out of the Invoice Options page.

default terms

In the Default Terms section, click the field and select one of the common term options from the dropdown menu or enter custom terms in manually. Each of the common term options is described below.

Term Description
Net 7 Payment due seven days after invoice date
Net 10 Payment due ten days after invoice date
Net 30 Payment due 30 days after invoice date
Net 60 Payment due 60 days after invoice date
Net 90 Payment due 90 days after invoice date
PIA Payment due in advance
EOM Payment due at end of month
21 MFI Payment due 21st of the month following invoice date
1% 10 Net 30 1% discount if Payment received within ten days otherwise payment due 30 days after invoice date
COD Cash on delivery
Cash account Account conducted on a cash basis, no credit
Letter of credit A documentary credit confirmed by a bank, often used for export
Bill of exchange A promise to pay at a later date, usually supported by a bank
CND Cash next delivery
CBS Cash before shipment
CIA Cash in advance
CWO Cash with order
1MD Monthly credit payment of a full month's supply
2MD Monthly credit payment of a full month's supply plus an extra calendar month
Contra Payment from the customer offset against the value of supplies purchased from the customer
Stage payment Payment of agreed amounts at stage

In the Default Footer section, enter a message that will be automatically added to the bottom of all invoices. (see below)


Inventory Location


This setting will designate which warehouse inventory will be deducted when adding products to the invoice. If the selected warehouse does not have the product, then you will not be able to add the product to an invoice.

Shipping Taxable

Enabling this setting to tax the shipping, and disable to make shipping nontaxable.

Apply discount before tax

Enabling this setting sets the default for the discount amount, if any, to apply to the subtotal before taxes for all newly created invoices.

Generate Invoice Number

Enabling this feature will automatically generate an invoice number for each invoice you create.

option details

Invoice Prefix: Type in an invoice prefix of your choice in this field. To set the date as the prefix, type in [date] to use today’s date.

Next Number: Type in the number you would like to be used as the starting point for the invoice number.

Offset: Type in a number you would like your invoice to increment by. For example, if the next number is set at 105 and the number offset is set at 2, the number for the next invoice will be 107.

Set Default Tax Rate

option details

Tax Rate %: Type in the tax rate here to automatically add tax to all invoices.

Send Reminder Emails


Number of days between reminders on invoices with no due dates: Set the number of days you would like between reminders on invoices that do not have a specific due date.

Number of days before an invoice due date: Set the number of days you would like a reminder email to be sent before an upcoming invoice due date.

Send Status Update Email


Enabling this setting sends the merchant emails when the status of invoices update. For example, if a customer pays an invoice, then the email entered will receive an email like the one below.


Allow Pay By Check


Enabling this setting to allow customers to pay with bank account information. Please Note: You must be set up for check processing to enable this option.

Print/Export Invoice

The system allows you to print invoices or to export invoices as a PDF. You can do print or download the invoice at any stage or status of the invoice process. Simply open the invoice and click Preview at the bottom of the page.


You will see the print and download options on the top right hand side.

Print or Download

PDF Example

PDF Example