
Override a specific transaction.


This method can be used to override a transaction that has been flagged for manager approval.

Currently this method applies only to electronic check transactions.

See also runTransaction, voidTransaction, runCheckSale, runCheckCredit


boolean overrideTransaction ( ueSecurityToken Token, string RefNum, string Reason )


Type Name Description
ueSecurityToken Token Merchant security token: used to identify merchant and validate transaction.
string RefNum Unique transaction reference number assigned by the gateway. You can also use TransKey in the RefNum field.
string Reason Description of override reason. (Optional, only used with select check processors)

Return Value

Type Description
boolean Denotes if override was successful.



For directions on how to set up the WSDL link and create the "token" and "client" variables, go to the C Sharp .Net Soap How-to.

    string refnum;
                string reason;

                refnum = "46976525";
                reason = "Because it is test";

                //usaepay.TransactionResponse response = new usaepay.TransactionResponse();
                Boolean response;

                    response = client.overrideTransaction(token, refnum, reason);
                    if (response)
                        MessageBox.Show(string.Concat("Transaction was overrided successfully"));
                    else MessageBox.Show(string.Concat("Error"));
                catch (Exception err)



    Dim client As usaepay.usaepayService = New usaepay.usaepayService
        Dim token As usaepay.ueSecurityToken

        token = Me.CreateToken("714SSUxv1uohng2XkMJ7kLpETsu58G66", "1234")

        Dim refnum As String
        refnum = 47019830

        Dim reason As String
        reason = "Test"

        Dim response As Boolean
        response = client.overrideTransaction(token, refnum, reason)

        If response = True Then
            MsgBox("Override Successful.")
            MsgBox("An Error Occured.")
        End If

Change Log

Version Change
1.7 TransKey can be used in RefNum field.