JavaScript v1.2

USAePay JavaScript Instructions

The javascript is ready to be used in any HTML form containing the gateway specific variable names. Add the following line to the head tag of your HTML form page and save the connect.js file to the same directory as your form.

<script src="connect.js" language="javascript">
  • This will load the javascript functions to your page.

Then you will need to have a form tag similar to:

<form name="ccform" action="" method="POST" onSubmit="return validateForm()">

  • The action tells the browser where to send the form.
  • The method must be "POST" for security reasons.
  • onSubmit="return validateForm()" will run the javascript functions to validate and reformat the form variables. If everything is in order, it will contact the gateway.

The following two hidden fields are required:

  • UMkey - your source key provided by USAePay.
  • UMredir - response handling page. (The page you specify for the gateway to display the results once the information has been processed.)

Example Javascript Code

    // Code for connect.js 
    //USAepay Javascript form validation and formatting script
    //Developed by Mind2Web for USAePay
    //For questions or comments email:
    // or

    function validateForm()
    var CCN = trimBetweenSpaces(trimBegEndSpaces(stripOffNonDigit(document.ccform.UMcard.value)));
    var expireDate = trimBetweenSpaces(trimBegEndSpaces(stripOffNonDigit(document.ccform.UMexpirM.value + document.ccform.UMexpirY.value)));
    var bankRouting = trimBetweenSpaces(trimBegEndSpaces(document.ccform.UMrouting.value));
    var bankAccount = trimBetweenSpaces(trimBegEndSpaces(document.ccform.UMaccount.value));
    var SSN = trimBetweenSpaces(trimBegEndSpaces(stripOffNonDigit(document.ccform.UMssn.value)));
    var dlNum = trimBetweenSpaces(trimBegEndSpaces(document.ccform.UMdlnum.value));
    var dlState = trimBetweenSpaces(trimBegEndSpaces(document.ccform.UMdlstate.value));
    var amount = trimBetweenSpaces(trimBegEndSpaces(stripOffNonDigit(document.ccform.UMamount.value)));
    var invoice = trimBetweenSpaces(trimBegEndSpaces(document.ccform.UMinvoice.value));
    var name = document.ccform.UMname.value;
    var street = document.ccform.UMstreet.value;
    var zip = trimBetweenSpaces(trimBegEndSpaces(stripOffNonDigit(document.ccform.UMzip.value)));

    if (CCN.length == 0 || expireDate.Length == 0)
    if (bankRouting.length == 0 ||
    bankAccount.length == 0 ||
    SSN.length == 0 ||
    dlNum.length == 0 ||
    dlState.length == 0 )
    alert ("Error: missing values.\nYou have not included any Credit Card or Check information.\nPlease fill out either one to continue.");
    document.ccform.UMcard.focus == true;
    return false;
    if (SSN.length < 9)
    alert ("Error: Incorrect Social Security Number.\nThere should be 9 digits in the social security number.\nIt appears that you have less than 9.");
    document.ccform.UMssn.focus == true;
    return false;
    if (expireDate.length < 4)
    alert ("Error: Incorrect expire date.\nThere should be 4 digits in the expire date idicating mm/yy.\nIt appears that you have less than 4.");
    document.ccform.UMexpirM.focus == true;
    return false;
    document.ccform.UMexpir.value = expireDate;

    if (amount.length == 0)
    alert ("Error: missing field amount.\n Please fill out the amount field.");
    document.ccform.UMamount.focus == true;
    return false;

    if (invoice.length == 0)
    alert ("Error: missing field invoice.\n Please fill out the invoice field.");
    document.ccform.UMinvoice.focus == true;
    return false;

    if (name.length == 0 || !isAlphaSymbols(name, ".,' "))
    alert ("Error: missing or incorrect field Name.\n Please fill out the name field.\nThe name field can only have Alpha Characters!");
    document.ccform.UMname.focus == true;
    return false;

    if (street.length == 0)
    alert ("Error: missing field street.\n Please fill out the street field.");
    document.ccform.UMstreet.focus == true;
    return false;

    if (zip.length == 0 || zip.length < 5)
    alert ("Error: missing field zip or incorrect zip number.\n Please fill out the zip field which should be 5 digits.");
    document.ccform.UMzip.focus == true;
    return false;

    return true;

    // Return true if a string is combination of alpha and given symbols.
    function isAlphaSymbols(objValue, symbols) {
    var ch

    for (var i=0; i < objValue.length; i++) {
    ch = objValue.charAt(i)
    if (isAlphaChar(ch) == false) {
    if (symbols.indexOf(ch) < 0)
    return false
    return true

    // Return true of a character is an alphabet.
    function isAlphaChar( ch ) {
    return ((ch >= "A" && ch `<= "Z") || (ch >`= "a" && ch <= "z"))

    // Stiff off any non digit char
    function stripOffNonDigit(objValue) {
    var ch
    var tempStr = new String()

    for (var i=0; i<objValue.length; i++)
    if (isDigitChar(objValue.charAt(i)) == true)
    tempStr = tempStr + objValue.charAt(i)

    return tempStr

    // Return true if a character is a digit.
    function isDigitChar( ch ) {
    return ( ch >= "0" && ch <= "9" )

    // Removes leading and trailing blanks from a value
    function trimBegEndSpaces(object_value)
    var leading_blanks = 0
    var string_end = (object_value.length)-1
    if (string_end < 0) string_end = 0

    // find first nonblank: start with first character and scan forwards
    while (leading_blanks <= string_end && object_value.charAt(leading_blanks) == " ")

    // find last nonblank: start with last character and scan backwards
    while (string_end > leading_blanks && object_value.charAt(string_end) == " ")

    return object_value = object_value.substring(leading_blanks,string_end+1)

    // Remove any additional spaces
    function trimBetweenSpaces(objValue) {
    var blankExists = false
    var newValue = new String()
    var ch

    for (var i=0; i < objValue.length; i++) {
    ch = objValue.charAt(i)
    if ( ch == " " ) {
    if ( blankExists == false ) {
    blankExists = true
    newValue = newValue + ch
    else {
    newValue = newValue + ch
    blankExists = false
    if ( newValue == null )
    return objValue
    return newValue

Example HTML FORM Code

    <form name="ccform" action="" method="POST" 
    onSubmit="return validateForm()">
    <input type="hidden" name="UMkey" value="PUT_YOUR_SOURCE_KEY_HERE">
    <input type="hidden" name="UMredir" value="">
    <table border=1 width="80%">
        <td colspan=2 align="center">Credit Card Info (If payment by CC)</td>
    <td>Card Number</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="UMcard" size="12"></td>
    <td>Expire Date (MM/YY)</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="UMexpirM" size="2" maxlength="2">/
    <input type="text" name="UMexpirY" size="2" maxlength="2">
    <input type="hidden" name="UMexpir" value="">
        <td colspan=2 align="center">Check Info (If payment by check)</td>
    <td>Bank Routing number</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="UMrouting" size="12"></td>
    <td>Checking Account Number</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="UMaccount" size="12"></td>
    <td>social security number</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="UMssn" size="12"></td>
    <td>Drivers license number</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="UMdlnum" size="12"></td>
    <td>State that the drivers license was issued</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="UMdlstate" size="12"></td>
        <td colspan=2 align="center">&nbsp;</td>
    <td>$<input type="text" name="UMamount" size="6"></td>
    <td>Invoice Number</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="UMinvoice" size="12"></td>
    <td>Customer Name</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="UMname" size="20"></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="UMstreet" size="20"></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="UMzip" size="5" maxlength="5"></td>
    <td align="center"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></td>
    <td align="center"><input type="reset" name="reset" value="reset"></td>

Documentation and Examples

More examples and payment form documentation can be found in the CGI Transaction Gateway API v2.18.0

Change Log

1.0.1 -> 1.2 Added support for VBV and MSC as well as other fields (tax, po...). 10/15/03