Pay.js v1 → v2 Migration Guide

To migrate from Pay.js v1 to v2 simply change the URL in the script tag where you're importing the library:


<script src=""></script>


<script src=""></script>

Breaking Changes

There are 2 breaking changes in the Payment Card Entry class:

Payment Key Response

When calling the getPaymentKey() function on the Payment Card Entry, instead of returning the payment key as a string, this function now returns an object that contains some obfuscated card info along with the payment key as shown below:


    client.getPaymentKey(paymentCard).then(result => {
        if (result.error) {
            // returns error object with error message
        } else {
            // returns payment key string 
            // ex: "a1b2c3d4e5")


    client.getPaymentKey(paymentCard).then(result => {
        if (result.error) {
            // returns error object with error message
        } else {
            // returns payment key object
            // ex: {
            //    "type":"payment_key",
            //    "key":"a1b2c3d4e5",
            //    "creditcard":{
            //        "number":"111111xxxxxx1111",
            //        "cardtype":"02"
            //    }
            // }

Error Response

When an error event is thrown from the Payment Card Entry, instead of sending a simple string message, a more detailed object is sent which contains a code, type, reason, and message as shown below.


    paymentCard.addEventListener('error', errorMessage => {
        // errorMessage is a string
        var errorContainer = document.getElementById('paymentCardErrorContainer');
        errorContainer.textContent = errorMessage;


    paymentCard.addEventListener('error', err => {
        // err is an object
        // ex: {
        //  'code': '12',
        //  'message': 'Please enter a valid credit card number.',
        //  'reason': 'card number must be between 13 and 19 digits',
        //  'type': 'cnum'
        // }
        err = JSON.parse(err);
        if (err.code === '0') {
        } else {

Error responses with code === 0 are for the purpose of clearing validation errors and will still include a type specific to which field is valid. A list of all error responses are included below:

Error Code Reason Default Message Type
0 clear error N/A cnum / exp / cvv
11 card number not given Please enter a credit card number. cnum
12 card number must be between 13 and 19 digits Please enter a valid credit card number. cnum
13 card number invalid Please enter a valid credit card number. cnum
15 expiration date must be in MM/YY format Please enter an expiration date. exp
16 expiration month must be between 1 and 12 Please enter a valid expiration date. exp
17 card expired Credit card expired. Please try a different card. exp
18 cvv too short Please enter a valid CVV. cvv
19 invalid json in payment key response Something went wrong, please try again. paymentKey
20 unable to reach tokenization server Server unavailable, check connection and try again. paymentKey
21 statusText from request response Something went wrong, please try again. paymentKey
22 invalid form field(s) Invalid card information. paymentKey

These error messages can be customized by setting the custom_error_messages config as seen below where the object key is the error code and the value is the custom message string. Only the specified messages will be overridden, everything else will return the default message. These custom messages will also be displayed within the Payment Card Entry iframe if the display_errors config is set to true.

var payCardConfig = {
    custom_error_messages: {
        '11': 'test message 11',
        '15': 'test message 15',
        '18': 'test message 18',
    display_errors: true