Pay.js v2 Google Pay™ Entry Reference

Please Note: This page includes references to features that are still under development. For the currently-supported feature set, see the Pay.js v1 documentation (previously Client JS).

Config Options

The Pay.js Google Pay Entry can be configured with almost all of the options that Google Pay provides. This allows you to customize the button appearance, set requirements billing info, provide discount codes and shipping options, etc. Here we have listed any of the fields that are required from you, or that the Pay.js library will pre-set, for all other options see the Google Pay Request Objects of the same names.

interface GooglePayConfig {
    targetDiv: string;
    paymentDataRequest: PaymentDataRequest;
    buttonOptions?: ButtonOptions;
    paymentOptions?: PaymentOptions;
    cardParameters?: CardParameters;


This is the main configuration object used by Pay.js to configure your Google Pay instance.

Property Type Necessity Description
targetDiv string Required The target div element where the Google Pay button should be appended as a child
paymentDataRequest PaymentDataRequest Required Use this object to configure your site's support for the Google Pay API.
buttonOptions ButtonOptions Optional This object allows you to configure a Google Pay payment button.
paymentOptions PaymentOptions Optional Configure this object for a production environment once you've tested your implementation and you're ready to receive payments from shoppers.
cardParameters CardParameters Optional This object allows you to define the accepted payment card types. Google filters a payer's available payment cards based on your configured options.


Use this object to configure your site's support for the Google Pay API. For additional options like callbackIntents and shippingOptionParameters see Google's documentation here: PaymentDataRequest.

Property Type Necessity Description
apiVersion number Pre-Set Major API version. The value is 2 for this specification.
apiVersionMinor number Pre-Set Minor API version. The value is 0 for this specification.
allowedPaymentMethods PaymentMethod Pre-Set Specifies support for one or more payment methods supported by the Google Pay API.
transactionInfo TransactionInfo Required Details about the authorization of the transaction based upon whether the user agrees to the transaction or not. Includes total price and price status.
merchantInfo MerchantInfo Required Information about the merchant that requests payment data.


This object specifies one or more payment methods supported by the Google Pay API and accepted by your website. For more info see Google's documentation here: PaymentMethod.

Property Type Necessity Description
type string Pre-Set A short identifier for the supported payment method. CARD is the only supported value for this parameter.
parameters CardParameters Pre-Set Parameters required to configure the provided payment method type.
tokenizationSpecification TokenizationSpecification Pre-Set Configure an account or decryption provider to receive payment information.


This object allows you to define the accepted payment card types. Google filters a payer's available payment cards based on your configured options. For additional options like allowPrepaidCards and billingAddressRequired see Google's documentation here: CardParameters

Property Type Necessity Description
allowedAuthMethods string[] Pre-Set The Pay.js library will set this as ['PAN_ONLY', 'CRYPTOGRAM_3DS'] (for settlement in US and Canada only)
allowedCardNetworks string[] Pre-Set The Pay.js library will set this as ['AMEX', 'DISCOVER', 'JCB', 'MASTERCARD', 'VISA'] (for settlemet in US and Canada only)


This object allows you to configure an account to receive chargeable payment information. For more info see Google's documentation here: TokenizationSpecification.

Property Type Necessity Description
type string Pre-Set The Pay.js library will set this as PAYMENT_GATEWAY.
parameters GatewayParameters Pre-Set Parameters specific to the selected payment method tokenization type.


This object provides identifying information about the specific payment gateway. For more info see Google's documentation here: GatewayParameters.

Property Type Necessity Description
gateway string Pre-Set The Pay.js library will set this as usaepay.
gatewayMerchantId string Pre-Set The Pay.js library will set this as your gateway merchant key.


This object describes a transaction that determines a payer's ability to pay. It's used to present a payment authorization dialog. For additional options like transactionId and checkoutOption see Google's documentation here: TransactionInfo

Property Type Necessity Description
currencyCode string Required The ISO 4217 alphabetic currency code.
countryCode string (required for EEA countries) The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code where the transaction is processed.
totalPriceStatus string Required The status of the total price used: NOT_CURRENTLY_KNOWN, ESTIMATED, or FINAL
totalPrice string Required Total monetary value of the transaction with an optional decimal precision of two decimal places. Must follow the regex format: ^[0-9]+(.[0-9][0-9])?$


This object provides information about the merchant that requests payment data. For more info see Google's documentation here: MerchantInfo

Property Type Necessity Description
merchantId string Required A Google merchant identifier issued after registration with the Google Pay Business Console. Required when PaymentsClient is initialized with an environment property of PRODUCTION. See Request production access for more information about the approval process and how to obtain a Google merchant identifier.


This object allows you to configure a Google Pay payment button. For more information about the different button types, and colors see Google's documentation here: ButtonOptions. Be sure to abide by Google's Brand guidelines whenever you display the Google Pay button on your site.

Property Type Necessity Description
onClick function or object Pre-Set The Pay.js library uses this to generate the tokenized payment key.

Status Change Events

The Pay.js Google Pay Entry will send out events that you can listen for using the on() function as shown below. At this time, only the googlepaySuccess and googlePayError events are supported. Google also includes support for different callbacks to allow for updating shipping address/options, discounts and payment authorization. This can all be configured using the Pay.js library in the config object, for more information see Google's guide on Dynamic Price Updates.

    // listen for Google Pay to be successfully completed
    googlePay.on('googlePaySuccess', function () {
        // do something

    // listen for any Google Pay errors
    googlePay.on('googlePayError', function () {
        // do something